LIFESTYLE -Client's home or in the studio
(HOSPITAL SETTING)-currently unavailable due to Covid

There is absolutely no greater gift than to know you have created an amazingly perfect little baby. A little person you have been dreaming about meeting for so long! To reserve me to be your photographer for these very special first moments all you need to do is give me your due date and pay a booking deposit of $50. I have my schedule organized in a way that I have availability almost every single day for my Hospital or Home visits. Once you have reserved me as your Photographer you notify me of your upcoming C-Section Date, Induction Date or once you have been admitted into the hospital to deliver your precious baby or once you are in the comfort of your own home. This allows me to make sure I am completely free to come in to do your session. Once baby is born, we discuss a good time when there are no visitors for your sweet Fresh 48 to take place.